You can check the translation usage rate (Traffic report) by time zone. The usage rate is calculated in 10 minute intervals using the 100% threshold for translation words per 10 minutes set in your plan.
If the translation volume per 10 minutes exceeds the threshold set for your plan, you will be temporarily unable to use the file translation function. For information, refer to the following pages.
⮊ Translation usage restriction
1. Click [Usage Status] on the [Utilities].
Shows the date and time you viewed the traffic screen.
➋Time zone (graph horizontal axis)
24 hours of data for the day you viewed the traffic screen. The data is displayed every 10 minutes. The scale is displayed every 1 or 2 hours, depending on the width of the browser.
➌Translation Utilization (Graph Vertical Axis)
The translation utilization rate is displayed using the 100% threshold for translation words per 10 minutes set in your plan. Truncated to two decimal places.
The graph display limit is 130%, but you can check the usage rate even if it exceeds 130% in "➍ View translation usage details".
Calculated as one word separated by a space or line break. For Japanese, Chinese (Simplified/Traditional), Korean and Thai, two characters are calculated as one word, with the first decimal place rounded up.
➍View translation usage details
Hover your mouse over the graph to view the usage for that time period.
For 12:00:00, the usage for 11:50:00 to 12:00:00 is displayed.
➎[What is traffic utilization?]
Click to view a description of the traffic utilization.